During this 3hrs workshop, we will explore Somatic Movement (Body-Mind Centering* approach) to cultivate ecological embodiment and deepen our connection with ecosystems.
Our focus will be on ecological Homeostasis, which is defined as a self-regulating process through which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adapting to changing external conditions. We will observe and facilitate this process within our body systems and the environment through movement and improvisation in the outdoor setting of the Salisbury garden, as weather permits.
*Registration in advance is essential
To register your attendance please contact monica: imprevistodanza@gmail.com
Suggested fees according to financial circumstances from £25 to £ 45
The Salisbury Centre (GARDEN/STUDIO) 2 Salisbury Rd, EH16 5AB.
a weekend to grasp the embodiment of the ecological intelligence of the moving, perceiving body
@ The Salisbury Centre (GARDEN/STUDIO)
2 Salisbury Rd, EH16 5AB.
This weekend will be dedicated to exploring the embodiment of ecological intelligence within the moving, perceiving body. Our focus will be on ecological Homeostasis, which is defined as a self-regulating process through which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adapting to changing external conditions. We will observe and facilitate this process within our body systems and the environment through movement and improvisation in the outdoor setting of the Salisbury garden, as weather permits.
*Registration in advance is essential
Suggested fee for both days £65 - £85
(Please contact me if you experience financial difficulties)
Registration one week before the event is essential with a deposit of £20.
Priority will be given to people wishing to attend both days.
If you like to hear more about it don't hesitate to contact me
To register your attendance please contact monica: imprevistodanza@gmail.com .
During these workshops, we will explore Somatic Movement (Body-Mind Centering* approach) to cultivate ecological embodiment and deepen our connection with ecosystems. By using movement, touch, voice, and mind, we will sense and perceive our embodied selves. We will nurture our connection with ourselves, tap into our creative potential, and express it. We will allow movement and voice to unfold spontaneously, respond to our surroundings, and be shared with others. Somatic refers to the human ability to perceive through sensations that occur within our bodies.
Somatic Education is a field of exploration of movements, gestures and breath, starting from a sensory-motor and perceiving base.Body-Mind Centering (BMCSM) is one of these methods: its experiential approach is based on the study of movement, touch, vocal expression and conscious attention. BMC has its roots in dance, physiotherapy and in various meditation practices. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen (1958), BMC involves an integrated anatomical study with physiological and psychophysical principles. It uses specific methodologies to investigate body systems and developmental movements.(bodymindcentering.com)
monica's short bio
monica (RSME, IDME, PDA, PhD) is a mother of 9 years old daughter, movement and environmental advocate, dance artist, educator and performance maker. With extensive experience in artistic-environmental projects in the community she performs and creates work both in the UK and internationally. monica continually deepens her knowledge of the body, voice, rhythm, and ecology, and she is interested in developing multidisciplinary and inclusive approaches in performing arts and education. She has extensive experiences in choreographic research, movement mentoring for performance making. With a background in Environmental Science, PhD in Plant biomechanics and a Professional Award in Applied Arts, monica is qualified in Infant Developmental Movement Educator (IDME) and Somatic Movement Educator (SME) with Embody-Move (embody-move.co.uk), licensed by The School for Body-Mind Centering (www.bodymindcentering.com). She is a professional member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, ISMETA https://ismeta.org/.
11.00 - 12.30
@ the Salisbury Centre Edinburgh
2 Salisbury Road EH16 5AB Edinburgh
In these classes we explore somatic movenent within Nature. We move, vocalise, visualise and experience our anatomical structure and body systems. We develop embodiment together with our own knowledge and awareness of the moving body.
Please wear comfortable clothes and a few layers to adjust yourself to the possible changes of the weather, bring water. Feel free to bring a notebook with you if you like to make notes or draw during the session.
*booking in advance is essential (max of 10 participants) e-mail Monica: imprevistodanza@gmail.com
This is a donation based event (Nobody will be turned away for lack of funding, yet donations allow us to run affordable events for everyone, and to support both the facilitator and the Salisbury Centre)
To donate:
How can we respond to the presently unavoidable need for action in support of social and ecological justice?
Together we will experience embodied practice as a dynamic way to connect with our ability of resilience, self-reflection, self-discovery, and manifest our visions, longings and desires for a more sustainable and functional society.
Embodied practice brings attention to the integration and articulation of our body-mind (bodily sensations and perceptions, our thoughts, emotions, psycho and our spirit) which by its nature is connected to the collective body-mind, part of the whole, human, and other then human reality (wildlife, natural vegetation, landscapes, skies, space and beyond).
Somatic exploration involves working with visualization, movement, improvisation, touch, breath, and sound, witnessing oneself and the processes of others. Together we will develop a process for embodied discovery and knowledge. Vital is the awareness of our embodied knowledge for oneself and vital is the ability to share it with each other.
This is a donation based event
uggested donation £15.
40% donations will be offered to the Salisbury Centre.
To register your attendance please contact monica: imprevistodanza@gmail.comburgh
*booking in advance is essential
Somatic Education is a field of exploration of movements, gestures and breath, starting from a sensory-motor and perceiving base.
Body-Mind Centering (BMCSM) is one of these methods: its experiential approach is based on the study of movement, touch, vocal expression and conscious attention. BMC has its roots in dance, physiotherapy and in various meditation practices. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen (1942), BMC involves an integrated anatomical study with physiological and psychophysical principles. It uses specific methodologies to investigate body systems and developmental movements.(bodymindcentering.com)
A creative journey in which we can discover your own ability of resilience in connection to yourself, the others and your environment.
These sessions will have to be organised according participants demand, please contact me if you are interested. Email imprevistodanza@gmail.com
Available time:
Evening sessions
Thursdays 6.30pm -7.30pm
Morning sessions
Fridays 10am -11am
In these online Somatic Movement sessions we explore Body-Mind Centering principles in our own space, the body, at home and still connecting with Nature and the wider space surrounding us. We work with touch, eyes closed, vocalising, visualising and experiencing our anatomical structure and body systems. You will develop a deep sense of embodiment together with your own individual and unique knowledge and awareness of the moving body. This will support and inspire both your everyday life situations and the wider adventures of your life.
We work in bare feet, wear comfortable clothes and have water with you. Have also a notebook and some coloring materials which we will be using for reflective writing and drawing during the session.
This is a donation based event
suggested donation for 6 classes £30, drop-in £7
Somatic Education is a field of exploration of movements, gestures and breath, starting from a sensory-motor and perceiving base.
Body-Mind Centering (BMCSM) is one of these methods: its experiential approach is based on the study of movement, touch, vocal expression and conscious attention. BMC has its roots in dance, physiotherapy and in various meditation practices. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen (1942), BMC involves an integrated anatomical study with physiological and psychophysical principles. It uses specific methodologies to investigate body systems and developmental movements.(bodymindcentering.com)
physical theatre workshops
improvisation, somatics, devised and collective creation practice!
@ St. Margaret House,
Gallery 3 at
151 London Road, EH7 6 AE, Edinburgh
19.00 to 20.30
We will explore site-specific options, so weather permitting we might use outdoor spaces during some classes
Temporary suspended
for updates about Dance base classes please follow the link below:
Looking forward to meeting you!
These classes are open to all: beginners, dance students, performers, both experienced and not in Dance Improvisation.
During the classes we will develop ensemble work that will culminate in a showing date and venue TBC. The participation in the showing is optional
Please watch the video about Monica's teaching clicking the link below:
Utilizing the principles of contact improvisation and body-mind practices, Monica's teaching focuses on areas such as; awareness of the body's organisation and anatomy; connection to the floor, the space and partner's; and sensing the weight and the flow of the breath into the body.
Confidence in receiving and giving (lifting, falling, momentum, suspension, weight, impetus) is built through suggested movement patterns and observing the singular expression of the body in motion
"Since I first started with Monica's dance improvisation classes, I have barely missed one. [..] everyone can be themselves or attempt to find themselves without any judgement. You look into yourself, explore your own moves, open up to the space and its stimuli, and compose your own dance with others.You end up discovering many engaging things that fill you with lots of joy, love, and happiness, and make you acknowledge and appreciate the power of movement and dance."
"Monica’s Dance Improv class is a delightful end to the week! No steps to learn or routines to remember - just an opportunity to move on my own or in partnership, explore my internal and external spaces, and let my creative juices loose. A great way to prepare for the weekend! Monica’s facilitation is gentle, respectful, and exciting, while holding the group in a warm and creative space. There is no other class like this in Edinburgh! "Susan
Ensemble Performance - Live music and Dance
with the participants of the classes
directed by Monica De Ioanni
8th December 2016
at South Side community Centre, Edinburgh.
This performance is an ensemble work that we develop during the classes.
More info contact Monica at imprevistodanza.com
Photography by Roberto Ricciuti
Summer dance Lab in Nature.
Expanding our senses, cultivating the attention, the observation and the search in Nature.
Location and Dates to be arranged.
Dance improvisation, Instant Composition, Space Responsive Workshop.
Moving with the surrounding from within. How the environment effects my movements how I can intervene on a landscape through my movement. Location and Dates to be arranged.
Voice Movement Retreat Singing Bodies
Here, time and space will be devoted to explore the connection between movement and voice, dance and singing. It is about combining the practice of somatic movement and dance with finding ways to express our voice and soul. Location and Dates to be arranged.
Site Specific Performance April 2018 - Supported by Dance Base - Edinburgh
with Monica De Ioanni
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 19
February 26
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
6.30pm -8.30pm
This is a donation basis event suggested donation full course £130
booking essential at imprevistodanza@gmail.com
Soma (from Greek: body) is the living body, the breathing, moving, sensitive and perceived body. The moving body becomes an instrument of unfolding knowledge and awareness.
In this course we explore Body-Mind Centering principles. We work hands- on, eyes closed, vocalising, visualising and experiencing our anatomical structure and body systems.
You will develop a deep sense of embodiment together with your own individual and unique knowledge and awareness of the moving body. This will support and inspire both your everyday life situations and the wider adventures of your life.
Somatic movement experience allows trust in the discovery of the self, along with self expression in space and with others.
There will be space for self-reflection and time for sharing though movement and also vocally or drawing.
We work in bare feet. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring water. Feel free to bring a notebook with you if you like to make notes during the session.
Monica De Ioanni (RSME, IDME, PDA, PhD) a dance and arts community Educator for the past 15 years, works in the UK and internationally. With a Ph.D in Environmental Science, Professional Development Awards (PDAs) in Arts Education in Practice and extensive training in Dance and Physical Theatre, Monica has both a multidisciplinary and a personal perspective of movement, arts and education. She continually deepens her knowledge of the body, movement and voice, and has wide- ranging experience in environmental and wellbeing-related projects in the community. Monica qualified in Somatic Movement Education with Embody-Move (embody-move.co.uk) licensed by The School for Body-Mind Centering. Monica is Registered Professional Member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA).
"Body-Mind Centering (BMCSM) is an integrated and embodied approach to movement, the body and consciousness. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, it is an experiential study based on the embodiment and application of anatomical, physiological, psychophysical and developmental principles."